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Finals week...grab your RedBull and pray.

If you are so unlucky as me, to be still making your way through college, than you know the pain and torment that comes with Finals. Final exams is the dreaded week at the end of the semester that you are expected to dump all the knowlege you have absorbed from the last 16 weeks into one small little blue book or scantron in the limited time of 2 hours. So reasonable right? ( notice that my eyeroll and extreme tone of sarcasm cannot be expressed fully through this text post, but belive me it's there.)

Although the last week of your semester or quarter can seem like the longest week ever, but somehow still doesn't have enough hours in the day; remember to take some personal time in between cram sessions. I get overwhelmed very easily and I am no stranger to emotional breakdowns brought on by school work. Sometimes I think my hair is thinning from the pure stress of school because as a "millennial" there are such high expectations when it comes to the results of our educational career. But I am here to tell you it is okay to take that Netflix break. Go ahead and go out for a drink with your friends who are already done with school. Live a little, because as much they make you feel like finals are the end-all, be-all of the whole semester, they aren't.

Lets say by some unfortuante circumstance you fail the class.( just hypothetical!!) Well remember my friends, college is different for everyone and how long you spend there doesn't matter, because as long as you keep pushing to that finish line and stick to the journey, no one will care if you take the scenic route instead of the straight path. The most important thing is to not give up.Work hard and persist. And most importantly BREATHE! You got this!


a 5 year community college student that is still in the race

and enjoying the super scenic route ;-)

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